Improving Self-Esteem

woman writing in notebook

Let’s face it, we are often our own harshest critics. Almost everyone has areas in their life where they experience self-doubt or self-esteem issues. However, many of us also possess a sense of self-worth. Self-affirmations can help your brain recognize the unique qualities that make you special.

Positive self-affirmations are powerful tools to counteract the negative beliefs that have been ingrained in our minds, often since childhood. These short, positive messages can challenge and replace long-held negative thoughts, allowing you to rewrite your life story with a more positive narrative.

Here are a few simple positive self-affirmation techniques you can try at home:

  • Write affirmations on index cards or Post-it notes and place them in frequently viewed areas like a mirror, refrigerator, or car dashboard.
  • Keep a daily journal to become more aware of positive aspects and personality traits, which can boost your self-esteem.
  • For a poetic approach, fill in the blanks on a printable “I Am” poem, or find inspiration online to create your own template.
  • Sing these self-affirming messages to one of your favorite songs. Feel free to come up with your own self-affirming messages if none of these resonate with you.
  • Say these positive messages out loud, silently in your head, or record them on your phone to play back later.
  • Identify common personality traits that many people aspire to achieve.

These short, positive statements benefit:

  • Physical health.
  • Challenge self-defeating behaviors.
  • Aid and heal emotional pain or trauma.

Try them! What do you have to lose?

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