when to seek help

older woman talking on cellphone while sitting at a wooden table outside

Whether it’s on television, in the movies, or on social media, only “certain people” are seen meeting with mental health professionals. This has led many people to think that you have to experience some kind of crisis, be on the edge of a breakdown, or feel like “a crazy person,” to seek help. Mental health treatment being associated only with specific types of people or issues is the root cause of the stigma we see impacting people’s thoughts and actions around mental health treatment.

The truth is, you don’t need to meet any specific criteria to be a good candidate for mental health services. In fact, many people who regularly meet with a mental health professional are not experiencing mental health issues at all but rather maintaining good mental health. However, if you still feel you need a reason to seek support, look for any of these common signs that you might benefit from a mental health checkup.

common indicators

Not Feeling like yourself. We all have times where our mood is off and we turn to things that help us feel better but when we begin to think, “this isn’t like me,” you may need to take a closer look. Sometimes we feel sad, angry or annoyed with things that happen but when it gets to a point where you conclude that this is out of your ordinary, it could be something more than just everyday emotions.

Unable to do the things you like to do. Having hobbies or activities that you love to do can be a great way to balance your mental health, but it is important to look for signs that the way you are feeling is making it difficult or impossible to do them anymore. Again, if it is unlike you and you find it more and more difficult to get out, have fun or be social then you should reach out to get screened or assessed for possible mental health concerns.

Using drugs, alcohol, food, or sex to feel better. Just like having hobbies that can help us feel better, sometimes we engage in unhealthy habits to do the same thing and that is never a good idea. If you find yourself using drugs, alcohol, food, or sex to feel better, have the desire to cut back, or it is impacting your daily life, beginning counseling could be helpful to make sure you reduce the long term negative effects.

You’ve lost someone or something important to you. Perhaps your family or culture has certain rituals, traditions or expectations when it comes to the death of a loved one. Human beings adapt very well and sometimes your natural support system is all you need to get through loss, but other times, it could be a good idea to reach out for counseling for support with adjusting to the unexpected change. Remember, loss isn’t just about death. It could be a separation or break up, moving, or even losing your job.

Something traumatic has happened. Trauma can be any event that you thought was awful, scary, or threatening like an accident, injury, sudden death, abuse, violence, and/or a natural disaster. Experiencing events like these are linked to a higher risk of substance use, chronic health problems, and mental health disorders like depression or anxiety. The sooner you reach out for help to get through events like these the better you will be, but remember it is never too late.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it’s a good idea to check-in with a mental health professional. Having someone you trust, who has professional experience and is there for you when you need them is a great feeling.

As always, if you or anyone you know has thoughts or feelings of wanting to hurt themselves please reach out for help as quickly as you can.

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